Hawaii Vacation Magazines


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49 Maui Whale Watch Magazine • WhaleWatchingOnMaui.com GREAT PRODUCTS • GOOD PEOPLE FUN ATMOSPHERE • GREAT PRICES Hand dyed yarn in four different weigHts Knitting needles and CroCHet HooKs • estate Jewelry re-purposed Jewelry for Men and woMen CoConut, Koa wood and porCelain Maui Buttons genuine liCense plates • restringing serviCe piano Key art Made froM reCyCled antique piano Keys pearls of all types, Colors and designs • fine Crafts west Maui's largest Bead & findings supply store Koa wood Bowls, rings, pendants, Bangles & earrings large seleCtion of loose sea glass & sea glass Jewelry Come by and explore our unique, local craft items. You won't find them anywhere else on Maui, in Hawaii or anywhere in the world. Daily 9am-7pm & Sundays 11am-6pm Located at 626 Front Street in Lahaina by the Banyan Tree & Paia Fish Market. 808-276-7474 ART BY BOOGALOO WHALE SONGS Wop - A call from a mother to her calf. Thwop - A call between whales and not limited to mothers and calves. Grunt - A call when pods are joining together. Cry - A call made by a male when competing with other males to join a female, heard mainly in competitive groups. Underwater Blow - This is often used to distort other males' vision or confuse them, and sounds very loud underwater to all other males. Source: Humpback Whale Acoustic Research Collaboration (HARC), Four Year Study published in Australian Geographic Issue 95. SOUNDS WHALE SOCIAL This year's song will start off where last year's song ended, which attests to whales' amazing memory capacity. Often described as mournful or even scary, there's no other sound in the world like it. As the songs hit their low notes, if you're under the water, your entire body will literally vibrate with the pulse of the melody. When you go on your whale watching cruise (you've just gotta do that while you're on Maui), or go snorkeling (which you also have to do) be sure to listen to the beautiful whale songs. It's one of the greatest mysteries of the animal kingdom. After hearing it, the memory is sure to stay with you as one of the highlights of your vacation. If you can't wait, and want to listen to the whales right now, go to the Whale Song Project at www.WhaleSong.net - they feature recorded whale songs and live songs when the whales are in Hawaii, all for free.

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