This is the fourth annual Maui Whale Watch
Magazine. Each year, as the preceding three were
published and read, interest from all areas of the
Maui community and the many visitors to our
island grew tremendously. Personally rewarding
for me is the sheer excitement I witness from
the children and young people who see our
publication. Watching the infomation and images
create 'eye opening' awareness is priceless.
The common inspiration is the awesome beauty,
power and grace of the whales that migrate
between Hawaii and the areas around Alaska.
Our humpbacks mate and birth in Hawaii, then
feed in the northern areas of the Pacific. During
season, a vast array of wonderful behavior is
displayed daily in our Maui waters, the epicenter
of their sacred and protected breeding grounds.
Being in their presence connects me with a sense
of 'ages old wisdom' that the whales themselves
seem to embody.
The goal of the Maui Whale Watch Magazine
is to continue to evolve as an ever-expanding
forum for the education and celebration of the
great humpback whales. Please enjoy this new
issue and, while on Maui, take advantage of the
opportunity to watch the humpbacks play!
It's all Love.... Marty Wolff
from our